Totus Tuus
A Private Academy
in the Catholic Tradition
During Lent, we invite parents and friends to pray the Stations of the Cross with us and then to join us in a soup and bread luncheon.
Each year the Academy celebrates All Saints' Day (November
1st) through a special in-school parade, special studies
about saints, and a luncheon.
Our day starts with the entire school meeting for morning assembly where we take time to pray before tackling our academics. This special time is designed to honor God and remind ourselves that "whatever we do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17). We also appreciate this time as a chance to grow our school as a family. The tenets of our Faith are taught throughout the day by teachers who personally strive to live out their Faith in their daily lives. We have a formal religious education curriculum that is taught in every grade. Preparation for the first sacraments of Penance and Eucharist is embedded in the second grade religion curriculum. We believe it is important to help our students learn about God's love for them and that His rules are given to help, guide, and ultimately give them freedom.
This is definitely filled with fun music and dancing and an entertaining story that ultimately, and most importantly, leads to the declaration of why we are Christians - because Jesus came to earth for our salvation. The word of the Lord through the mouths of children is a very powerful witness.
Pope John Paul II Academy 67051 Sunnyside Rd. Montrose, Colorado 81401 (970) 249-2996 copyright
The school attends Mass at St. Mary Catholic Church once a week. Parents and staff assist with carpooling students to the school after Mass.
Outside our school, live humans acting the parts of the people of the Nativity while singing beautiful Christmas carols is a beautiful witness of our Faith to our broader community.