Totus Tuus
A Private Academy
in the Catholic Tradition
PJP2A implements the best time-tested, faith-friendly academic standards rather than running after the latest trends in education. We therefore believe that a Catholic education offers a more holistic formation of the person than the Common Core Standards.
We wish to expose children to a method and program of education which is proven to be effective and rigorous. Classical education is a philosophy which directs one to pursue truth, beauty, and goodness, forming the child's capacity to think critically and independently. Children are meant to become inspired to love the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, rather than merely view education as a means to some other end.
Ultimately, a classically oriented education will provide children with an educational advantage since they will understand how to soundly apply their faculty of reason and to pursue truth independently as a lover of knowledge.
Academic excellence is achieved first through ensuring we have qualified, dedicated, and caring teachers who take seriously the duty and responsibility of assisting parents in educating each child. The principal and staff regularly collaborate, review, and modify the curricula and academic standards to ensure that children are being provided appropriate, high quality, and rigorous academic formation.
Classrooms are kept at small, manageable sizes to ensure that children can receive the individualized attention needed to flourish in their learning.
Pope John Paul II Academy 67051 Sunnyside Rd. Montrose, Colorado 81401 (970) 249-2996 copyright